Our School » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Parent Drop Off:  Parents should drop off their children no earlier than 8:45 each morning, but no later than 9:00.  Any time after 9:00 is considered tardy.  The drop off location is on the side of the building by the gym, which is door #12.  Parents can drop off there and students will walk up the sidewalk to the front entrance.  Parents are not allowed to pull into the bus circle when buses are entering and unloading students.  


Parent Pick up:  Parent Pick up is at 3:25 each day at the side entrance marked #12. All requests for PPU must be made by 3:00.  You will need to submit a note stating that you  wish for your child to be a Parent Pick up for that day.  Please make sure the note has the students and the teachers name clearly written on it.  If you wish to have parent pick up on a regular basis send in one note stating the day of the week and then they will be on the list permanently.  If you would need to then change a day to some other transportation a note would need to be submitted.  


What do I do if my child is absent?   If your child is absent, please submit an excuse upon return.  All excuses must be submitted within three days of the absence.  If you have someone that lives near you and can bring work home to your child, please inform the teacher.  If you would prefer to pick up work, please call the school and the work can be sent to the office for afternoon pick up (prior to 4pm). 


Please use this form for your excuse:


Attendance Policy   (Attendance Policy from our school handbook)


Board Attendance Policy  (District wide attendance policy approved by the Board)


Excuse for absence   (Sample excuse form for school absences)


What do I need to do if my Child is absent


As stated in the handbook, you must submit a request for the trip at least two weeks in advance of the dates of the absences.  Please include the dates and state that the student will be attending an educational trip.  This request must be submitted to the teacher in enough time to receive the work that the student will be missing.  The principal decides on approval of the trip and no further notice of absence will be required.  


What is the Process for an Early Dismissal?  On the day of the dismissal send in a note that states the teachers name, the time and the reason for the dismissal.  Arrive at the school at that time and the child will be called down.


What is the Process for Parent Pick up?  Send in a note stating that you would like your child to be added to the parent pick up list for that day.  You will then pick up your child at 3:25 at the playground side entrance.  If your child is to be picked up on a regular basis send in one note stating the days of the week to be picked up.  I will put them on the regular list.  If you then need to remove them from the list you must send in a note stating that.


Can my child ride another students bus?  We do not typically allow students to ride busses other than their own for safety and security reasons.  If there are extenuating circumstances permission can be granted.


Below are the bus routes with approximate pickup and drop-off times.  Please find your child's bus stop for the time information.