Jenna Jessup » Miss Jessup's 5th Grade Class

Miss Jessup's 5th Grade Class

Welcome 5th Grade! 

Hello, 5th Graders and Families!

I’m so excited to be your long-term substitute teacher this year!  I’m here to make sure students are learning, growing, and having fun together. We have a lot of amazing things planned, and I can’t wait to continue getting to know each of my students!  If you ever have a question or need help, don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s make this an awesome year filled with new adventures, challenges, and successes!

Here’s to a fantastic school year!


Google Classroom Link

ELA Lesson Plans 

Math Lesson Plans

Science Plans 

Special’s Schedule 

Monday- Art 

Tuesday- P.E

Wednesday- Music 

Thursday- Book Exchange 

Friday- Library Media