Allie Christoforetti » Art


Mrs. Christoforetti will be out on maternity leave for the 2024-2025 school year. Please direct everything to Mrs. Nutt who will be the long-term substitute.


Barbara Nutt [email protected]
Please visit my website. You will find lessons, grading rubrics, student artwork, and fun art games!
A lesson will be posted on Google Classroom.
Dear PT Families,
Hi. I am Mrs. Christoforetti, your child’s art teacher, and I want to tell you how excited I am to teach your child during the school year. Because I am the art teacher, I will be guiding your child on a creative voyage. I will be able to see sides of their personality that the regular classroom teacher may never see. I will witness them to create solutions to problems rather than regurgitate rote answers. I will watch him or her struggle with tough concepts and we will celebrate their mastery. It will be amazing. Students who follow the rules and engage in the lesson will produce quality work. Every student has the right to a positive learning environment. Your student may want to bring a paint shirt for a smock. An old t-shirt works well. Remember to have your child dress appropriately for art class day! Art class day is not the time to wear new clothes or to dress up. We will use materials that can stain and we will get messy!!! If your student's art class falls on an awards day or picture day (or another day they are expected to dress up at school for), please allow them to bring a change of clothing to wear to art class. I will be happy to allow them to visit the restroom or Nurse's office to change in private prior to using any materials. It is the student's responsibility to dress appropriately, put on their paint shirt if they have one, and use art materials carefully and as demonstrated. Don’t downplay the value of art or art class. Artists play a part in the design of everything you use throughout the day. From your morning coffee cup to your new outfit, from your house to your office building, an artist made all those things or, at least, made them better. The chances are pretty good your child will be employed in a creative field and the skills they learn in art class will help them succeed. Meeting deadlines, research, planning, and dedication to the task are all non-art skills reinforced in art class and used daily in the workforce. Thank you for your time in reading this. I truly am excited for the year and I am looking forward to the creative solutions your son or daughter will share with me. As the year goes on, please feel free to stop by the art room to help or to see what we are doing at any time. Don’t be afraid to ask them to teach you something. You never know what you may discover about yourself when you open a box of crayons and create something with your child!
Mrs. Christoforetti