Students Learn Art of Basket Weaving

The Sunrise Elementary School 5th graders who didn't attend Deer Valley Camp in September enjoyed an alternate activity prepared by Student Learning Assistant, Melanie Johns. 

The students watched an informative and instructional video lesson by Patty Klingensmith, a local Penn Township resident, who has enjoyed the art of basket weaving for 30 years.  They learned about the different types of baskets, specific purposes of baskets throughout the years, tools, and materials used in weaving.  Students were able to hold and observe several baskets mentioned in the video.  

With the guidance of Mrs. Johns, the students then wove two different baskets of their own using traditional reed from the rattan plant.

“The baskets turned out beautiful!,” commented Mrs. Johns.  “This lesson was a good reminder that baskets turn out unique and special just like them.”
Students watch a video lesson on baskets
Students watch a video lesson on baskets
Mrs. Johns assists Gavin Ruzich with his basket
Mrs. Johns assists Gavin Ruzich with his basket
Ellie Panuccio, Gavin Ruzich, Eva Murphy
Ellie Panuccio, Gavin Ruzich, Eva Murphy
Ellie Panuccio
Ellie Panuccio